
Monday, February 4, 2013

Baby Must-Haves

Those people who tell you "babies don't need much" are crazy. There are just some things that we could not have survived without around here. Here's a top 10 list of things that got us through the first couple of months:

1. Gas drops-I didn't initially have these on hand, but we now have them in both of our diaper bags and at home. And a backup bottle. Harper screams when she toots, thinks about tooting, poops, thinks about pooping, eats...that little gastrointestinal tract just isn't developed yet and it's apparently a big ouchie. I don't know if these really work, or if it's just the shock of us squirting them in her cheek, but it's like instant peace and quiet. For the moment.

2. Swaddle pod-I feel like I have to defend our swaddling abilities on this one. We are amazing swaddlers. And the Aiden & Anais blankets are so awesome for swaddling. But for long-term sleeping, only the pod will hold back Houdini and her spaz hands. Otherwise, she gets free, startles herself, and wakes up. I've never seen one with a ruffle like this, but I wish I had. So cute!

3. Exercise ball-When she screams, I swaddle her, hold her on her left side (something to do with how the tummy is laid out), and the second my butt hits the bouncy ball, she quiets down. Blasting her with a little white noise helps, too. Which brings me to...

4. White noise app-We have Sleep Pillow, but there are tons out there. The blow dryer sound works really well.

5. Snuza Hero Mobile Baby Monitor-If she sleeps for more than five minutes, or is quiet, I am immediately checking to see if she's still alive. This little thing clips onto her diaper and monitors the breaths in and out. If her breathing is weak or falls to fewer than eight movements per minute, or if she doesn't move for 15 seconds, it vibrates. That rouses her. If it doesn't, the alarm goes off. Sometimes it happens accidentally if the Snuza slips off her diaper, and that's super scary, but this give us peace of mind over all.

6. Itzbeen Pocket Nanny-I don't know what day of the week it is, let alone what time Harper last ate, had a diaper change or slept. This little timer keeps track for me. My pre-baby self would never have thought this was necessary. My post-baby self knows that I am lost in a baby haze that defies time and space.

7. Bouncer-This was one of our first options for putting her down and having free hands. And there were a few nights when she still had nights and days mixed up that Josh put her to sleep in this and slept on the floor next to her.

8. Activity Mat-At first, two minutes on this thing was her max. But each day she tolerated it a little longer. Now she coos at the birds and kicks them with her feet. It's my go-to entertainment for her when I need a free second.

9. Freddie the Firefly-This is her favorite toy! She loves the crunchiness of the wings.

10. Shower Hug-I'm not going to get into the specifics, but this protects you from the shower water in those first couple of weeks of nursing. I'm sure you can live without it, but why would you want to?

Ok, I know I said top ten, but here's one more thing. I don't know how people do it without the hands-free bustier for pumping. I ordered it from the hospital the day after having Harper because I realized that having to hold those horn things the whole time is a joke.

I read tons of lists of things you need for babies before we had Harper, but these are the things that really came through for us. Take it for what it's worth!